Joe Berreth (2025)
Role of President is: (1) Responsible for general administration of the club operations (2) Sign as a signing officer (3) Preside at all meetings (4) Exercise the powers of the Executive committee in case of emergency (5) Suspend teams, players, coaches, managers or any other team official subject to revision at the next duly called Executive meeting (6) Serve on all committees as an ex-office voting member (7) Will liaise directly with the community organizations (8) Is not a voting member, unless as a tiebreaker (9) Will attend all ALA and CALL meetings
Tasha Young(2026)
Vice President
(1) Will report to the President. (2) Chair meetings in the President absence (3) Represent the OLA whenever formally dealing with outside agencies if the President is unable to do so. (4) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee. (5) Work with CALL Discipline committee & participate as required. Head the Discipline committee Discipline committee will be made up of 1 representative per team. Maintain an up-to-date discipline procedure as voted on by the Executive committee and published in the Rules & Regulations.
Jennifer Lyle (2026)
(1) Attends all Executive committee meetings and shall maintain accurate minutes of same (2) Have charge of all Executive records (3) Maintain and update the Bylaws as required (4) Retain both digital and print up-to-date copies of the bylaws, rules and regulations and/or policies and procedures (5) Be responsible for all Executive committee correspondence (6) Perform such other duties as designated by the President (7) Report to the President (8) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee
Letica Gole (2025)
(1) Is a signing authority along with the President (2) Have charge of all Executive committee financial records (3) Deposit and tracking of all registration fee (4) Payments & tracking of all OLA related invoices. (5) Find an accountant/bookkeeper, or use financial software to prepare books, and have the books reviewed. (6) Obtain a financial statement for Corporate Registries by March 14 of each year (7) Present an annual statement of all operations (8) Create, maintain and document annual budgets as voted on by the Executive (9) Provide year-to-date income statements to all board members at Executive meetings. (10) Report to the president (11) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee
Shana Harder (2025)
(1) Responsible for registration of players, coaches, managers and other team personnel on the software & website, or other as decided upon by the CALL Executive. (2) Maintain a register of all players (3) Chair the registration committee (4) Ensure membership receives all communications and updates directed from the Executive. (5) Report to the President (6) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee.
Alex Hogarth (2025)
(1) Responsible for practice/Game schedule with the town of OLDS & all other locations. (2) In the instance of extra individual team practices, teams are responsible for scheduling and payment (3) Submit floor blackout dates to CALL (4) Maintain an accurate schedule of available floor time at the Olds arena (5) Update OLA website with practices/game and tournament schedules as needed (6) Be the liaison between the town and managers to aid game changes (7) Report to the Schedular of CALL (8) Report to the President (9) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee
Dale Mclntyre (2025)
Coach Development
(1) Obtain qualified coaches for all teams within OLA. (2) Maintain a record of all officials and years of experience. (3) Recruit coaches and referees and set up appropriate clinics and training as needed. (4) Ensure all coaches have submitted criminal record checks before coaching each year (5) Evaluate coaches (6) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee
Rochelle Van Eaton (2025)
Equipment Manager
(1) Purchase equipment as needed to run the lacrosse program. (2) Maintain a record of all equipment purchased and assigned each season. (3) Recommend new equipment purchases (4) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee (5) Maintain goalie equipment/ball bags/coaches' bags/first aid kits (6) Check all equipment mid-season for any repairs (7) Send all equipment to be washed at the end of the season
Tascha Koksal(2026)
Website Coordinator
(1) Maintain, update and manage the OLA website and social media as required. (2) Promote all OLA activities, programs and special events through the use of various media as required (3) work with Fundraiser (4) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee.
Sarah Eichhorst (2026)
Fundraiser Coordinator
(1) Develop a fundraising committee of 3-5 representatives (one member per team) (2) Responsible for collection, tracking & budgeting of all Club fundraising monies. (3) Delegate to the fundraising representative, or manager, for each team and team responsibilities. (4) Arrange adequate fundraising opportunities for OLA (5) Arrange for the printing of any tickets, 50/50 boards and prizes (6) Complete the draws, publish the winners and arrange for payment to the winners (7) Ensure the annual license application and annual report are submitted to the AGLC (along with Treasurer) (8) Accept and assume all responsibilities as assigned by the President or Executive committee